QR Code design for:
NAMASTE Indian Restaurant
Zagreb, Croatia

Order your unique QR code design. Personalize your QR code make the readable and visible.
Solutions and our approach

Placed image
Procedure which most people use when designing QR code. The problem with this method is that the image covers part of the code. The newly designed QR code becomes less reliable when scanning.

Transparent modules
This method retains the whole code, but does not show the logo or image behind the QR code in great detail. The logo or image is not readable enough to send the message to the user.

Our approach
This method uses best from both and more. We take a look at each QR code individually. Based on our knowledge, we design QR codes as if they are logos. We take much effort to get the logo or image with a QR Code as one composition. Check out our design methodology.
Solutions and our approach

Placed image
Procedure which most people use when designing QR code. The problem with this method is that the image covers part of the code. The newly designed QR code becomes less reliable when scanning.

Transparent modules
This method retains the whole code, but does not show the logo or image behind the QR code in great detail. The logo or image is not readable enough to send the message to the user.

Our approach
This method uses best from both and more. We take a look at each QR code individually. Based on our knowledge, we design QR codes as if they are logos. We take much effort to get the logo or image with a QR Code as one composition
No more difficulty
We have managed to shrink the module of a QR code which leaves nearl two times more room to see the design beneath the code. More importantly the readabilit is not compromised due to special positioning of ever shrinked module relative to the image (logo) beneath it.

4 QR code modules

One module in a 7x7 grid

Module reduced by 20%

Module reduced by 50%

Visible design
QR Code’s Different Functions
QR Codes are used in many situations. The most common one today is Payment. With the dawn of “Offline to Online business” QR Codes are being used for payment in almost all area of life. Other Functions are described below.
Scanned more often
When designed, QR codes communicate actions easier. Designed QR codes are also scanned 30% more often than traditional ones.*
* Tolliver-Nigro, H., QR Codes for Marketing: Webinar Highlights. The Seybold Report 11 (8)
QR code – GPS
If you want to get the GPS location of where you want to go, just scan this QR code. Zoom in to scan.
QR code – Email
Instead of typing your E-mail address, subject and even text by yourself, scan this QR code and it will do it for you! Zoom in to scan.
QR code – vCard
By scanning a QR code you can save your contact directly to your phone. Zoom in to scan.
QR code – text
You can write text in a QR code and read it with your phone offline. Zoom in to scan.
QR code – WiFi
If you want to connect to WiFi without searching for network name and typing a password, it is enough to scan this QR code. Zoom in to scan.
QR code – call
With this QR code you can call a number from your mobile phone, written in the QR code. Zoom in to scan.
If you have a need for a QR code design service, send us your inquiry
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